Cost Management: PERT Estimation tool

A tool to estimate the costs of our project’s work by calculating a weighted average of the values of the best, worst, and most likely scenarios.

Earned Value Analysis Calculator

A tool to help you calculate the indicators you need to analyze Earned Value in your projects. Free download in English and Italian.

Requirements Traceability Matrix

A helpful tool to track each requirement from the need, opportunity, goal, or business objective to which it responds, up to its WBS deliverable: here a free template of a Requirements Traceability Matrix.

Change Request Form

Change Request Form Formato: .pdf Data pubblicazione: 24/04/2021 Lingue: Italiano, Inglese. Template in italiano Scarica Template in inglese Scarica Un modulo per raccogliere le richieste di modifica nell’ambito dei tuoi progetti. Vorresti maggiori informazioni sul template o suggerirmi dei miglioramenti? Inviami un messaggio. Clicca qui

Responsibility Assignment Matrix template

A tool to ensure a clear allocation of roles and responsibilities within our projects, to plan and keep track of who is responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed on activities.